REQUIRED READING for my classes

To  get the very most out of my classes   it is ESSENTIAL     to understand what is meant by  CORE  work    from my perspective.
 I will try to be as BRIEF as possible.
 To achieve a  toned midsection you  need to work with a number of muscles that are commonly called the core. But your core muscles are more than your abdominals muscles.
I have chosen several illustrations to highlight different aspects of the core. Each illustration highlights the core in  a slightly different way . I liked this one for the way it clearly shows the PSOAS. It is this muscle that causes you to lose the battle of the bulge.
The Psoas is one of the deepest and largest muscle in the body. Especially important the psoas provides structured support for the curves of you spine.

Surrounding the Psoas you find the 3 layers commonly
 refered to as the core.

The Transverse Abdominal lies deep inside the body and is what Joe Pilates called the most important muscle in the body. It connects from the top of the rib cage to the top
of the pelvic floor.

 True core strength is developed through conscious awareness of specific muscle usage.
Ultimately getting the Psoas and Abdominals to work well together. This is intelligent body work with great rewards.This awareness will be highly important in all my classes. 

Thanks for taking the time to GET it.