Monday, May 28, 2012

The Amazing Story of Beth

Beth was coming to my open class on the big ball on Sundays for some time. She was also doing another form of very physical exersize that was giving her great arm strength but one Sunday when she could not perform one of the core moves I demonstrated she frustratingly said," Why can't I do that??"
I don't know what made me give her such a quick answer but I simply said, because you are not training your core with me and coming only once a week will not be enough. So she immediately took up the challenge and arranged two times a week schedule with me. I told her she would only need 10 sessions to come into full empowerment with her core as she was already in very good shape. Despite some challenging personal times she committed and followed through even adding 3 more days a week of another core building class someone else was doing. Her dedication paid off big time. It only took her 7 private sessions to achieve the very highest level of core moves that I could teach her. Her dedication was admirable and I am so proud of the hard work she put in. This is her "graduation" photo. Now life is just a matter a keeping the core strength through in your everyday life. Once you have it maintaining it is not so hard. Congratulations to Beth. She did a fantastic job.