Friday, June 24, 2011



Many great spiritual traditions attempt to 
take us on the journey
to our center, suggesting that this is where we
can experience our

sacred connection.

I have always been a dancer
and within the
movement, rhythm, and beat, 
I found a connection to something within that was deeply satisfying.  

But it was not until I began to teach Pilates , that I found the
physical connection of breath within muscular involvement that took me to the next level of CORE experience.
With the development and strengthening of the deepest core muscles my body gained stabilization on the physical level.
But something else was very noticeable:
A stabilization of mind.
I read this quote once by Abraham Low," Move your muscels and you mind will follow"

 Since movement ,mind, and breath are intricately connected ,that "core" exerience extended into a profound 

way of being.

I also began to become increasingly involved in the study of Neuroscience. and began to read and listen to all the latest findings on movement and the brain. What is fascinating is that there have been great evolutionary leaps in understandings because of  imaging equipment and scientists interest in studying the body mind connection.

This link will take you to several excellent talks on latest studies on body mind connection. 
The information is new and quite unique

Spiritual teachers have been directing people to the knowlege that
THE CENTER IS WITHIN both mentally and 
physically accessed through breath and movement. Now scientific research is helping to prove this case. 

I went back to the dance.

A training I received in the 90's focused on dance as attutudes-beats reflecting ways of outward expressions of mental conditions.

for example think of the body attitude of Ragae 

  or the body attitude of belly dance!

                                                   OR CELTIC

Hip Hop or Hula dance or Ballet.

Each of these body movements expresses 
E-(nergy) in Motion


With this understanding of movement, affecting the mind and vice versa some major pieces began to come together for me.

They began to make sense in a new way. Movement vocabulary expands our brains and gives us new ways to not only move but THINK. New neural pathways become available for our use.I added all the new understanding I was getting from Neuroscience ---the developement of brain balance, frontal lobe involvement, motor cortex roles and like Magic Eye hologram
a picture popped into my brain, life and experience.

(This is a picture of an orb I caught on camera emerging from a shipment of sacred carved items from Indonesia. When blowing it up a friend began to percieve this image inside.       CoreDanz
           is that holographic creation