FROM JAN 2012 sma

I have been attending Mariosa's class and have been really pleased. I had
seriously let myself go and not exercised for about 3 years. It's hard to go
back but she made it as easy as it is able to be. Using the balls is sort of
fun and you can participate at your own level (never need to sit something out
like in some other classes) and improve at your own pace. I've noticed a big
difference already
without it being terribly difficult or painful (I do tend to
hate exercise so this is saying something!)

FROM Jan. 2012
 I had a back injury and with Mariosa's
help I'm strong once again.  You will surely enjoy her classes!  Thanks, 


Pia Gandt posted civil list San Miguel November 10th 2011

Hi all -- just wanted to let you know that I found out the ultra-fab yoga-lates
classes are now on Tuesdays also -- as well as Fridays and Sundays. I believe
the Tuesday classes are at 10:20 and 11:30 - donation-based, and right down from
Hotel Real Dimenes on Sterling Dickenson. Highly recommend -- it's a great, fun
( note: there are no tue classes this was a misunderstanding)


 "cindi vernold"  Mon Nov 7, 2011  

I have been going to the Friday and Sunday class for 3 weeks now and love it! I have never used the ball before this, but have to say it's fantastic - allows you to really stretch and target your core muscles without hurting yourself. I have seen positive changes in my body already, but the most noticeable thing is the relief I've experienced from my chronic lower back pain. No more nightly ibuprofen for me!

Mariosa is truly a gem and makes everyone feel extremely welcome - regardless of their fitness level or their pilates/yoga experience.

Kudos to Mariosa for changing all her classes to donation only. Now you can pay whatever you think is appropriate and/or you can afford.



Mariosa was my personal Pilates Instructor as well as my dance instructor for over year.  If you have a chance to work with her, TAKE IT.  Through the Pilates work, my body accessed and grounded strength in my core swiftly.  Mariosa designed a specific workout for me, personally (and my body) and then adapted it as I gained strength in the process.  I so appreciated the process being so personal, I'm sure that contributed to my experience of success from the beginning (other exercise programs in the past had felt so hard to start, I just didn't stay with them very long.)  Her intimate understanding of the human body and how to work incrementally but powerfully to strengthen our core seemed to flow effortlessly from her.  Clearly, she is a Master!

Regarding Mariosa,my dance instructor,
I'm still reaping the benefits of what I learned out of her classes.  Yes, they helped with my health, vitality and conditioning, but so much more than that!  These classes gave me opportunities to step into and practice new ways of being in my body (in a safe and loving environment).  I fully believe that dancing practice directly contributed to me falling in love with my now husband (I never thought this was going to happen for me!)  I know it may not make sense with just that one sentence, but just know, I have no doubt that it did.

All I can say is, THANK YOU, Mariosa, for being you and providing what you provide to the world.  You make a huge difference!

Gaile Burchille

Erica Esser, Spring Green. Wisconsin
iErica Esser February 15 at 6:34am Reply • Report_
student for 3 years
Mariosa is an outstanding teacher. Her pilates classes help me immeasurably and she had great attention to the individual. Her style and abilities as a teacher continued to evolve and improve. She never
 stopped learning and bettering herself FOR her students. I miss her classic style and attention to correctness and patience.
Mary Zavada is a retired teacher and was a student to 5 years

Mary Zavada February 22 at 9:27am Report
I would like to endorse Mari Osa as a great Pilates instructor. Her classes have been important to my life for more than 5 years and I really miss them. She really researched different styles and positions to make the class new and fun all of the time. I enjoyed the classes very much and felt challenged. Any one would be lucky to get her for a teacher

IIrene , Spring Green,student 4 year. University of Wisconsin 
.To any interested party...
 Mariosa is an awesome Pilates and exercise instructor. I miss her classes very much. She has a great way of tailoring her instruction to the needs of her students. She shares her inner calm, works hard, and helps you meet your individual goals. She is professional and helpful.
Best of luck.

Irene Golembiewski

 Katy Connor Teacher
I  would be glad to tell anyone that would like to take any lesson with Mari Osa that my experience was wonderful having taken pilates and privates lessons.  Mari Osa is patient and very knowledgeable about movement of any kind.  She inspired us to keep going and guess what - we did!  We now meet once a week and just try to remember what she taught us.  I am sure what we miss the most is how she would gently get us into the right stance to make sure we were doing the moves correctly.  That is what I miss and of course we miss her just as much.  Katy Connors

Fanou and Byran Walton 
 I am delighted to write my impressions on the palates classes you
gave in Spring Green.

I would highly recommend Mariosa as a palates instructor. She knows well the 
human body and so explains clearly each position she likes students to 
achieve. She always demonstrates the positions and then very patiently corrects
the position for each of her students, with gentleness and precision. Her 
classes are always well prepared and her rhythm follows carefully the different
abilities of the participants. She is very attentive to the needs of every one 
and very open to any questions that might arise. She has done a lot of research
on her own and always brings interesting new material for her interested and 
inquisitive students. I am not young anymore and I enjoyed her class and the 
atmosphere of trust she creates. I also like to add that her choice of music is
always eclectic and excellent. Mariosa is an excellent dancer and that brings 
certainly something more to her class. My husband who also took classes with 
Mariosa agrees with all my comments.
Feb. 8, 2011

To whom it may concern,

I have been a Pilates student of MariOsa's here in Spring Green WI. I 
found the classed very helpful in promoting my flexibility, strength and 
muscle tone. Mariosa was diligent in providing the necessary guidance 
in the promotion of flexibility, strength, and safety. Additionally, 
when appropriate, Mariosa enjoyed some more lighthearted fun which 
included all of the students in the class. I miss our classes and I 
miss MariOsa.


Lynne Morris

From Classes started in March 2011 San Miguel

I really got a lot out of the class yesterday . As well as the homework you have sent with us . I can really see that your lessons will help me so much in my life . Thank you .
Blessings , Heideloh Ann Zeigler

The class gave me tools and knowledge that scope far beyond "grunt workout", even as I write I employ the new perspectives you taught.  Your teaching style is clear and thorough, kind and encouraging.  I really really enjoyed the class and I know it will make my structure a better one for the (hopefully) many years of movement left in my life!
Hola MariOsa,

I'm so glad to receive this email; want to send your reference! Here 'tis:

"MariOsa is the real thing. She's a great teacher, generous of spirit and passionate about sharing her knowledge. Core Centering Class was fun, and I learned a lot!"

All best,

Regardless of your current exercise regime this core centering class will remind you how important the core is to all movement. Enjoy.
Marcia Webster


Mariosa ,
I want to thank you so much for the Core Centering class that we just did together .
I really did enjoy your methods of teaching by getting your students out of their back brain way of thinking and getting us into the front brain to absorb the lessons & tips more .
I like the exercises that we learned , and I actually do them at home on my own now that the class is over . This is something I have not done before after taking a class of any kind . It is because they are not complicated ,they are fun & the works sheets you handed out have helped me to remember how to do them .
What really helped me the most is the life tips you gave us in class that had nothing to do really with the exercises but how we hold out bodies in every day life . The one about how to walk up a hill properly , and the one I love the best is that we women need to walk with a swivel in our hips instead of walking strait like a man . I can feel such a difference in my body from these tips that they have really changed my life . They have also helped in my dealings with every day pain . I will always thank you for helping to alleviate my daily pain .
Looking forward to the next class and more to come .
Blessings , Heideloh Ann Ziegler