Thursday, June 23, 2011


This is from a beautiful blogspot that I love. This couple channels St. Germaine. I thought this particular statement was a great explanation of my experience of the evolution of consciousness through the body

In your heart-space, you can look at any fears that may come up. Observe them, yet don't identify yourself with them. Stay focused on the love that flows from, and within the heart; and then feel what happens to you, when you don't place any judgment on yourself for any life situation that you are currently in, or have experienced previously. Just watch these events through the compassionate eyes of your heart, and allow yourself to experience whatever comes up for you.

You see, when you let go of any judgment that you might have about yourself, then the life that your are living becomes an open space to receive the love that flows to you from your Divinity, and into your human experience.

Your body becomes the Sacred Vessel that receives the Love of God, That You Are. The body becomes the Alchemical Crucible, of which you may have heard; and then the most miraculous transformations can take place within you. Alchemy, contrary to popular belief, is first and foremost about the transmutation of consciousness