Moving from  your Sacred Center,
 This is a popular class I have been offering for the past two years in San Miguel. I use movement, breath, mental and physical centering. There is a good amount of very current Neuroscience incorporated in to the class. Could be offered as a longer workshop.

Sacred Movements of Balance. Incorporating many avenues of Neuroscience and Sacred Movements of Sufism, Tai Chi, Yoga, Sacred Dance forms, The focus is on engaging hemispheric balance through movement.. This is movement with music.

Symbolic Journeying: working with your life story. Together we work with found objects from your  walks, milagros and gemstones to create a mosaic of symbols. These symbols are a surprisingly fun way to cast into a question or just look at what is currently the focus of your life, or maybe the retreat you are on.
( Note: I worked for a party company and used to do these kinds of reading for people. It was always surprising and very fun)

Temescals. Not a traditional Mexican sweat lodge but more a honor of the Mother through the symbolic womb the lodge offers. I facilitate lodges by engaging all participants to gather material, build, and removal of the lodge structure so that the circle is totally complete.

Sacred Sand Ceremonies
Perhaps in smaller groups these will be individual rituals and in larger groups it may be the construction of beach labyrinths or drawings. Sand is the symbol of transformation and shifting realities. It can be a very profound experience to create and then allow the shifting and recreating (by natural process) to happen. Tibetan Monks use this same principal in Sand Mandalas. It teaches us how to embrace the impermanence of life.

Dancing the Mind of Movement

All movement is based in the mind, each movement is an atttitude. We will blend these energies in spontaneous dance, allowing the mind to express the attitude of the movement.
( using all the ideas from many modalities )

Water Dance
" The body informs the spirit in silent language that is spoken from the dark watery depths and the spirit brings breath. light and fire into the body"
Bonnie Gintis
We are fluid beings by nature and using the water to come back to fluid nature we allow this silent language to emerge.
Symbolic readings.
I have a many years of experience giving readings based on what symbols you select from the collection I offer. Great fun and very insightful